Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Gains can become pains if cross-training workouts are done wrong – New York Daily News

The nationwide success of the cross-training phenomenon lies in its varied fitness regimen. With something for everyone, workouts include high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, and calisthenics.

The downside of the cult fitness trend? These exercises can cause serious injuries if not performed correctly. And proper technique often breaks down with fatigue during sessions.

Even the smallest injuries can cause a ripple effect; once the proper form needed to complete an exercise correctly is altered, it will only further the injury.

Another double edged sword is the group exercise format, which encourages participants to consciously or unconsciously compete with other members. While this can push members to power through workouts, it also leads them to ignore their own physical limitations to keep up.

The most common injuries that I see through my work with Stanford Pain & Sports Medicine are knee, shoulder, neck and back injuries. To avoid these injuries, there are several things participants should keep in mind.

First, disclose any prior injuries or unresolved pain symptoms with your instructor. They should know if there are exercises you should avoid or take it easy on, and can watch for signs that you’re struggling to keep up.

Second, once you get started, it’s important to go slow. Remember to warm up and loosen your muscles before getting into those harder exercises.

Third, allow yourself a recovery period. You may be tempted to push through the entire workout, but your body needs to rest in between sets to effectively continue through the whole session while avoiding unnecessary strain.

Next, remember who you’re competing with: yourself. Go into each training session with the goal of exceeding your own personal records.

Especially if you’re new to the program, be careful about competing with other participants, who may be exercising at a much more advanced level.

Lastly, always follow your trainer’s advice. Not only will they be able to properly guide you through the workouts, but they’ll also be able to clearly see if you need to adjust your form or exercise at a subdued rate.

And if you do injure yourself, the best initial treatment is rest, applying ice or cold compresses, and elevating the injured body part.

Some injuries will need additional treatment, so if the pain persists for a week to ten days, participants should seek the care of a physician specialized in pain management.

They will be able to assess whether different medications are needed. Additionally, a physician may recommend physical or occupational therapy as well as transcutaneous electrical stimulation and/or acupuncture.

For those whose cross-training regimens have led to more serious injuries, further diagnostic evaluation could be needed, such as X-rays or MRIs.

So for those cross-training fanatics out there, don’t be afraid to try your best, but remain aware of your body and don’t push yourself too far.

Dr. Febin Melepura is a pain specialist at Stanford Pain & Sports Medicine of NYC. 

[The content provided through this article and should be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of a relevant professional with any questions about any health decision you are seeking to make.]

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