Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

7 Simple and Useful Health Tips That Help in Leading A Healthy Life – Nigeria Today


For a healthy life, it is imperative to take care of your body. Keeping a check on your weight is one way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Obesity has currently become a major issue for many people. It is important to pay particular attention to one’s diet and indulge in some physical activity. The lifespan of your vital organs such as liver, lungs, stomach, etc. is increased by healthy eating.

A healthy and relaxed life does not just include a balanced diet and exercise, but also a positive mindset. Here are some of the tips for leading a safe and healthy life:

1. Drinking Plenty of Water

Most people do not drink enough water. Water is crucial for the healthy functioning of our body. About 60 % of the body is made up of water. It is a critical ingredient in carrying out many bodily functions. It helps in removing toxins from the body. Our body loses water all the time through sweating, urine, breathing etc., so it is important that adequate water intake is maintained to ensure that we do not get dehydrated.

Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is that it helps in losing weight. The water fills up the stomach, making you less hungry so you will not be tempted to overeat. Providing a regular supply of fluids to the body makes sure that you don’t gain water weight, due to water retention in the body. The quantity of water your body requires at a time depends on several factors such as humidity, weight, and physical activity. But a person should drink 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water daily.

2. Getting Enough Sleep

Adequate rest and sleep are essential for a healthy life. When you do not sleep properly, it leads to a lot of health problems. The body performs many healing tasks during this phase. Maximum body fat is also burned during the hours you sleep. When you stay up late nights working or watching movies, you tend to eat more high calorie snacks. Lack of sleep also leads to premature aging.

3. Meditation

Meditating is an excellent way of calming the mind. It has a positive effect on your mind and brings tranquility in your life. A peaceful mind leads to a happy and healthy life. A positive mindset is critical for living a healthy life and meditation helps in promoting the positive thinking.

4. Exercising

Regular exercising is the key to a healthy life. Physical activity is an essential part of your daily routine because it increases lifespan, helps with weight loss, provides higher bone density and decreases the risk of many diseases. You can join a gym or just pick up your favorite sport and play regularly. Exercising is not just about making your body suffer, it’s about enjoying a healthy lifestyle. You can make exercising fun and exciting by bringing variation.

5. Balanced diet

Having a balanced diet is important. Fruits are a must because they have lots of minerals and vitamins. Eating fresh fruits is an important part of ensuring a healthy meal plan. Vegetables are also as important as fruits. Vegetables and fruits that have bright colors are rich in antioxidants, make sure you include these in your diet.

6. Stay Away From Processed Food

Eating processed food is unhealthy for our bodies. It is not good for health because food loses its nutritional value after processing and most preservatives added to it are known to cause many health problems. The content of salt is high in majority of the processed foods. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart diseases. Always choose fresh products over processed ones to get the best nutrition.

7. Get Medical Insurance

Having a good health insurance plan is very important. It is reassuring to know that medical bills will be covered in case of an emergency. It helps in providing peace of mind. There are several companies which provide good medical insurance policies which ensure instant medical aid for health care emergencies.

Featured photo credit: comluv.com via comluv.com

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