Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Kirstie Alley weight loss-weight gain yo-yo: ‘Fat Actress’ diet, weight claims ring false – Blasting News

Kristie Alley talked about her massive weight loss, claiming that this time, it’s for keeps. The glamorous star of  “Cheers” and “Fat Actress” has had an on-going battle with obesity, but also with truthfulness over obesity treatments. This deception, coupled with dubious weight claims, cast doubt on everything she says. This habit of exaggeration or down-playing is part and parcel of weight gain, and it underscores one of the biggest challenges in weight loss. 

Kirstie Alley: The whole truth about weight loss

The pressures of being gorgeous and staying thin in Hollywood are oppressive. As Alley got older, she put on weight as most people do. She started with Jenny Craig and claimed to lose 75 pounds. Then she parted company with Jenny Craig and bounced up to 228 pounds. This is her estimate, but friends say it was closer to 300 pounds. Images of Alley show that the 300-pound estimate is probably closer.

She actually created a TV show “Fat Actress” to showcase the woes of being plus-sized. Then Alley began her own weight loss company called Organic Liaison. She claimed again to have lost 100 pounds with this rather unclear method. Then is was proved false. She had lost some weight but not with Organic Liaison. Now she’s back with Jenny Craig and touting her 50-pound weight loss claims. 

Deception, Delusion and denial of weight gain

Alley has undeniably gained, lost, gained and lost weight. The denial is hers over how much and how. Notice the operative words in Kirstie’s story–“claims.” No one knows for sure how much a person has lost or gained. It’s between them and the scale. There’s only their word for it. Significant weight change is obvious, but the devil is in the details. Kirstie says she lost 50 pounds this last bout.

But she looks like she’s lost more. That may be because she started out a lot higher than she is willing to admit. That’s part of the Triple D of obesity–deception, delusion, and denial. It must be especially difficult, coming from drop-dead sexy as Virgilia in “North and South” to obese. But it is important for weight loss, to be honest. “My 600-lb Life” patients live in denial. They lie about how much they eat and then are surprised when they gain instead of lose. Once they start being truthful, like Christina Phillips, they find the strength to overcome.   #Celebrities #Weightloss #Kirstie Alley

from myhealtyze http://www.myhealtyze.tk/kirstie-alley-weight-loss-weight-gain-yo-yo-fat-actress-diet-weight-claims-ring-false-blasting-news/

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